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Dana Stone

a Balance Strategist and Overwhelm Coach
for Busy Professionals.


I help you create balance
be more productive
and feel less overwhelmed.


Setup a Free Strategy Call


Dana Stone

a Balance Strategist and Overwhelm Coach
for Busy Professionals.

I help you create balance
be more productive
and feel less overwhelmed.

Schedule a Free Strategy Call

You may be thinking - 

 Right, Dana. 

That’s too good to be true - productivity and a less overwhelming approach to life at home and at work – all at once.

My response - 

Yes, you can have it all, you don't have to give up on one for the other. I have studied these areas in depth for over 20 years. 

I draw on my certifications, education, and background to help you accomplish more, feel less guilt, and lean into all the things that we call human nature (like being a human who needs and wants time with loved ones and to rest and wants to be challenged and feel accomplished and needs to feel valued and not be betrayed all at the same time) . 

Want to actually live up to your potential? To control your schedule? To have more time for the people and things you love?

Schedule a Free Strategy call

What's a free strategy session? 

(It's a great way to determine if we’re a good coaching fit.) 

 How it works

1. Book a free call.  

2. We will talk about where you are and where you want to be.

3. We will talk about things that have held you back.  

4. We will determine the type of help, accountability, and support that will propel you forward.

I offer coaching options to fit your needs.  DIY? Group? Private?  I've got you!  


Schedule a free call to start

Tired of the constant feeling of overwhelm?

>> Overwhelm is the #1 emotion reported by my clients as to why they sought coaching. 

Download 4 steps to slowing down your racing, jumbled thoughts.

These steps are…


Take less than 5 minutes 

Repeatable on a moment-by-moment need 

Stop Overwhelm in Its Tracks

Dana, you describe yourself as a profit strategist. What does that mean?

Well, I teach you to pay yourself. 

Over 80% of U.S. businesses are NOT profitable. 

They operate check by check, bill by bill with nothing left at the end. 

Profitability is the #1 factor in a business’s longevity. 

I’ve partnered with Profit-First Professionals by Mike Michalowicz. It’s intensive training for coaches who want their clients to see actual profits. A quick overview, you learn to modify your behavior around expenses in order to pay yourself (first!). 

No more just hoping “something is leftover” at the end of the month! 

**I’ve done it both ways. Not surprisingly, paying myself FIRST for my hard work feels good and is most beneficial to my family and business. 

Let's Talk About Profit First in Your Business
Schedule Your Strategy Call

Balance can feel like it's unachievable. 

But I am here to challenge that.  I was exhausted. I was angry. I was making money but really good at spending it too. 

By 2019, I was tired of bobbing in the water. Just gasping for air. I wanted a balance. A sense of control in my business and in my life.

I started my first business, Rest Assured Consulting (now Live and Rest Baby), in 2015 to help exhausted parents get their babies and toddlers to sleep while I was still working a 40-hour corporate job. 

I’m a mom of four. Three of my children slept, well, like babies. My last one…did not. In desperation (and while covered in breastmilk and poop), I began researching infant sleep. I finally found the help I needed to get my family to sleep again. 

Soon after, I was a certified pediatric sleep consultant too with a brand-new business!

(By the way, that company still helps worn-out parents and children get better sleep. And I’m so proud of the work we do! find us at

Four years into that business, though, IT WAS CONTROLLING ME.

>> Like 80% of entrepreneurs – I paid myself last. I was frustrated at never seeing real profits and paying bills on whims. 

>> My calendar was out of control. I booked myself with calls all day. So, I worked “on the business” during the wee hours of the night and every weekend. 

>> My family life suffered. I was frustrated, distracted and always in a rush when I was with them. 

  Something had to change. This was not the freedom and control that I wanted when I started the business!

More about Dana

What are my clients saying...


Dana Stone is like a really informed cheerleader. She gave a voice to what I wanted to do next, and she'll give you the push and confidence to go after it. Even my husband noticed a difference in my drive, focus, and confidence. 

Dana Smith, Author/Influencer


Dana is a sounding board. I often think aloud. Dana takes my thoughts and goals and puts them into concrete processes so I can actually move forward. Thanks to her, I move beyond the “dreaming” phase into action. 

Lucas Scott, Owner and Videographer at Skylar Scott Studios


I was always out of time, and my inbox was always overflowing. I was stagnant, caught in a never ending cycle. I always want to be at my best, and that feeling of overwhelm wasn’t it. Dana’s given me tools and processes to clear my inbox and my head so I perform at my best. 

Christine Kirchberg, Principal Architect

Let’s be inbox friends. 

It’s an easy way to see if you like my coaching style. And I won’t overload your inbox! (It’s one of my pet peeves!) 

To learn some actions you can take quickly, tune in to the podcast. From parenthood to business hacks to sex, I bring on guests to help us live, rest, and make money.


Overwhelm and Profit Strategy

Helping busy professionals find clarity and focus, achieve goals, create balance, and avoid burnout.

Learn more...

Pediatric Sleep Coaching

Meet our team of amazing Pediatric Sleep Coaches that work with families to empower the whole family for a better night of sleep.

Learn more...

The Podcast

Formerly Winning at the Mom Life, Nothing is off limits as Dana and guests discuss what it takes to define your balance between an amazing life and the downtime you need to really enjoy it.

Listen here...